
Momentary lapses of bliss, cream of the cream

2013, France

Shot with

Nikon D3
Nikkor AFD 50 mm f/1.8

Nikon EM
Nikkor E 50 mm f/1.7
Ilford Delta 400


Attic Strip

Mathilde loves to lock herself up in the attic, dig all the old stuff from the metallic trunk and pretend she's some character from a film or a comic strip. Indeed, she is a character, and a playful one too.

Last spring, we went up there together. She had brought a whole set of clothes and shoes and shades … And I took my old comics, my paintball gun, some pillows and lots of cameras and lenses off course. The best of all is that we shot these pictures without any purpose. Just because Mathilde feels alright when she poses, and I feel alright when I shoot. So, that's how we spent the whole Saturday afternoon. Posing and shooting.

We had our good time. Your turn to enjoy now.

Nikon D3
Nikkor AFD 35-70 mm f/2.8
Nikkor AFD 80-200 mm ED f/2.8
Remote flash Vivitar 285


Café Racer Tour #5

Jeudi dernier je me suis levé à 7 heures pour prendre la route. Ma béhème avait besoin de rendre visite à son mécano (Mékaflat, à Loches, je vous le recommande!). Je n'avais que 65 Km à faire mais j'ai quand même pris un sac à dos dans lequel j'ai calé suffisamment de fringues pour tenir deux jours, mon Nikon EM emmanché de son 50 mm et trois rouleaux d'Ilford 400 ASA. C'est que le soir même, chez Tendance Roadster et au Last Drop Pub, à Levallois, se tenait la cinquième édition du Café Racer Tour.
Il y avait une centaine de bécanes, des café racers, des scramblers, des Royal Enfield, des Triumph, des béhèmes… J'aurais pu passer la soirée à shooter des moteurs et des réservoirs mais j'ai préféré me concentrer sur les gens. Parce que quand on y pense, une moto n'est complète qu'avec son motard, ou sa motarde. Ah oui c'est vrai, je ne vous ai pas dit, ce Café Racer Tour #5 était un spécial filles.

Last Thursday I woke up at 7 to take the road. My Beemer needed to meet her favorite mechanic (Mekaflat, Loches, France, I seriously recommend!). Just a 65 Km trip one way. Still I filled my backpack with enough clothes for two days, my Nikon EM, its 50 mm lens and three Ilford 400 film rolls. My Beemer isn't that slow, it's just that on the same evening I wanted to attend Tendance Roadster's fifth Café Racer Tour, in Levallois-Perret, in the North East of Paris.
There were plenty of bikes, around 100 I think, cafe racers - off course, scramblers, Royal Enfields, Triumphs, Beemers… Like I said, plenty of bikes. I could have spent the evening shooting engines, wheels and tanks but I did not. I decided to focus on the people, because when you think about it, a motorcycle is meant to carry people, so it isn't really complete without its rider on.
One last thing: that Café Racer Tour #5 was subtitled Girls Special.

A very cool work on the same event by Mike The Bike:



Parfois les choses ne sont pas reliées et pourtant elles sont connectées. Il n'y a pas la moindre technologie là dedans, ce sont juste des choses qui finissent par se rejoindre, comme ça, par hasard.  C'est étonnant. Mais le hasard existe-t'il vraiment ?

Sometimes, there are things that are not physically linked, yet they're connected. Not technological things like computers or telephones, just things that weren't meant to meet and still come across each others. And, like I believe, there are no such things as coincidences.

Nikon EM
Nikon 50 mm f/1.8 E Series
Tokina RMC 135 mm f/2.8
Ilford HP5 400 ASA